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Джамбаттиста Тьеполо. Время, открывающее Истину. Около 1745. Холст, масло. Палаццо Кьерикати

Italian art of the 17th – 18th centuries from the Museum of Vicenza

Июнь – сентябрь 2018

Залы 17, 18
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Curator: Victoria E. Markova, Chief Researcher of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Custodian of Italian paintings.

Continuous cooperation between Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and Italian museums creates extensive opportunities for organizing premium quality exhibitions of Italian art.

Director of Vicenza Art Museum, professor Giovanni Villa was impressed by the premium quality of Italian paintings from the holdings of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and proposed to organize a joint exhibition “Italian Art of the 17th – 18th Centuries from the Museum of Vicenza” to bring together about 50 masterpieces from Italian and Russian collections.

Venetian paintings in a spectrum of genres by renowned Italian masters of the 18th century will be presented in the exhibition. The display items will be drawn from both museums: the landscapes and vedutas by Canaletto, Belotto, Marieschi, and Guardi from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum will complement the selections from Vicenza Museum – mostly biblical scenes painted by Venetian artists for the local churches.

This project is an important step bringing our partnership with the Italian museums to the new level. In 2018, the project will be executed in two steps: the first exhibition will be held in Vicenza and then it will travel to Moscow.

Июнь – сентябрь 2018

Залы 17, 18
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Special thanks to Concern General Invest