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International Inclusive Festival

Inclusive Festival and Conference “Accessible Museum”

The International Inclusive festival takes place in the Pushkin Museum every fall annually. The festival’s program includes sound and plastic performances, shows, excursions, tactile workshops, hard language classes, film screenings, multisensory works by contemporary artists. All these events are intended for people with disability and museum professionals as for all comers.

During the festival, the scientific and practical conference "Accessible Museum" is held. The conference discusses issues of organizing a barrier-free environment, working at the exposition with visitors with disabilities, and the inclusiveness of educational programs.

There are artists, curators, scientists, art therapists, and teachers from around the world among the participants of the festival and conference "Accessible Museum".

Curator – Evgeniya Kiseleva-Afflerbach.

Inclusive festival 25.09-01.10.2017
Inclusive festival. Understanding museum 17.09-23.09.2018
Inclusive festival. Experience the World My Way 07.10-13.10.2019
Inclusive festival. Everyone is present 14.10-25.10.2020
Inclusive festival. Vulnerability Map 15.11-28.11.2021

