
The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts is a museum complex that is currently in possession of one of the largest world art collections from Ancient Egypt and Greece to our days. Today the holdings of the museum contain around 700 000 art works of different epochs. The jewel of the collection is French art of the XIX – XX centuries  – one of the most famous collections of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings in the world.

The museum founded in 1912 is located in the historical center of Moscow, not far from the Kremlin. Each year The Pushkin Museum presents the world-class exhibitions to the public. For the past year the museum has realized 43 projects in Moscow, abroad and in regions of Russia. Among them are the exhibitions “The Cranachs: between Renaissance and Mannerism”, “Leon Bakst. In Honor of the 150th Anniversary of the Artist’s Birth”, “Raphael. Poetry of the Image”, “Olympia by Edouard Manet from the Collection of the Museum d’Orsay”, “Icons of Modern Art. The Shchukin Collection” in the Foundation Louis Vuitton, Paris.

The Museum is also opened to contemporary art and attempts to engage modernity and classic art works in a mutual dialogue. Due to the active scientific, research and exhibition activities, music festivals, artistic and educational work with adults and children The Pushkin Museum is now one of the most important cultural centers of Russia, which is visited by more than one million people per year. Nowadays the museum is going through extensive reconstruction, the development of the Museum Town will be the first of its kind in Russia.

President of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts – Irina Antonova
Director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts – Marina Loshak



18 Окт 2024

Памяти Киры Константиновны Искольдской

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16 Окт 2024

Бесплатное посещение музея для членов многодетных семей

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07 Окт 2024

Изменения в экспозиции Главного здания

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04 Окт 2024

Режим работы музея 2, 3 и 4 ноября

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30 Сен 2024

В Томске открылся проект «Болотоведение. Совместное исследование художников и ученых»

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Акция «Импрессионисты вместо жары. Постскриптум»

18 Июл 2024

Памяти Фаины Ивановны Павловой

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10 Июл 2024

Акция «Импрессионисты вместо жары»

03 Июл 2024

Выставка «Пространство времени»

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06 Июн 2024

Губернатор Томской области и директор ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве и утвердили планы развития Сибирского филиала музея

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05 Июн 2024

Завершилось исследование картины Антиведуто Граматики «Христос и грешница» из собрания Владимиро-Суздальского музея-заповедника

Main Building
10 Май 2024

Памяти Ольги Сергеевны Анисимовой

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01 Май 2024

Проект «Искусство жить дома»

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24 Апр 2024

Минкультуры России объявляет конкурс на соискание первой Национальной премии в области музейного дела им. Д. С. Лихачева

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Painting of the Old Masters, originals of Antiquity and the East, collection of casts

Oggi: 11:00-20:00, 19:00

Painting of the French Impressionists, Post-Impressionists and masters of the early XX century

Oggi: 11:00-20:00, 19:00

The permanent exposition is closed.

Sviatoslav Richter Memorial Apartment is located in Bolshaya Bronnaya Street 2/6, Apt. 58, Floor 16

Oggi: chiuso

Museion Educational Centre is located in the old city manor

Oggi: 11:00-18:00

The atmosphere of the artist’s life in Tarusa, films and documentary materials
Workshop is located in Tarusa town, Paustovskogo street, 15

Oggi: chiuso

The building is undergoing reconstruction and will open as the Old Masters’ Gallery

The building is undergoing reconstruction and will open as the Gallery of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Art

The building is undergoing reconstruction and will open as a library with exhibition halls

The building is in process of reconstruction and will open as a Repository of Collections, Restoration, and Exhibition Centre

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