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User Agreement

This "User Agreement" is an offer (in accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Unconditional acceptance of the terms of this offer, in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is considered to be the purchase of the Museum's services by the Customer.

This offer contains the terms of purchase of the Museum's services at the ticket offices and on the official website ( By purchasing the Museum's services, the Customer fully and unconditionally accepts and undertakes to strictly comply with all the terms of the agreement.



1.1. The Museum is a Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts".

1.2. The Customer is an individual (or an authorized representative of a legal entity) who purchases the Museum's services at the ticket offices and on the official website.

1.3. The Parties are the Museum and the Customer.

1.4. The Agreement is the present User Agreement.

1.5. The Website - the Museum's websites which have the following domain:*.

1.6. Ticket offices are ticket offices of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts".

1.7. Event is the event held by the Museum, including providing visitors with the opportunity to view the Museum's exhibit or permanent display, as well as lectures, concerts, excursions and any other events that can attended only with a ticket.

1.8. Day of visit is the day of actual receipt of the Museum's services.

1.9. Ticket system is a hardware and software package designed to sell tickets at the ticket offices and on the Museum's website.

1.10. Ticket is a document in the form established by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and containing a barcode or QR code; together with a Cash Receipt it certifies the right of the bearer of such a set to attend the Event. The Ticket can either be printed on a strict accounting form, made in printed version (paper ticket), or issued through a Ticket system (e-ticket). The Ticket can be registered, i.e. it contains information about the visitor (last name, first name, patronymic) and gives the right of entrance only to the registered person (upon verifing the person with identity document presented together with the ticket).

1.11. Order (Electronic Order) is one Ticket or more for one Event chosen by the Customer and combined together with a single unique number (order number) in the Ticket System, which allows the specified Tickets to be booked on the website.

1.12. Ticket Booking is a short-term reservation (seizure from public website sale in order to avoid duplication of sales) specified by the Customer while forming the number of Tickets in Electronic orders from the beginning of processing the Order (by pressing the "Order" button the Customer acknowledges and accepts the terms of the Agreement and  Museum Admission Policy) until payment for the Electronic order or until refusal, expressed in absence of active actions on the part of the Customer aimed at confirming and/or paying for an Electronic Order.

1.13. Booking period is the time period established by the Agreement for the absence of active actions on the part of the Customer aimed at confirming and/or paying for an Electronic Order, after which the Ticket Booking is canceled and the Tickets are returned to the open sale.

1.15. Order Number is a single unique number of the Electronic Order in the Ticket System. It is the basis for receiving information about the Order.

1.16. Bank card is a tool for performing transactions with funds held by the issuing bank in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and with the agreement with the issuing bank.

1.17. Electronic payment system is a payment system between the Museum and the Customer when payment for the Tickets is made through Apple Pay, Google Pay and other electronic payment systems.

1.18. Acquiring Bank is a bank that provides services to the Museum in terms of payment transactions for goods and services carried out with the use of bank cards on the Internet.

1.19. Payment is a transfer of funds in the amount of the Ticket price in cash, by Bank Card or through the Electronic Payment System to the Museum.

1.20. Payment System is a set of financial institutions that are connected with each other on a contractual basis and provide the interaction necessary for making payments between the Customer and the Museum.

1.21. Payment System Rules are a set of documents regulating the activities of the VISA, MasterCard, MIR payment systems, as well as Electronic Payment Systems.

1.22. Price is the amount of money to be paid for one service of the Museum.

1.23. Cost is the sum of the prices for the Museum services chosen by the Customer.

1.24. Cash (fiscal) receipt is a document containing the details established by the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-ФЗ "On the use of cash registers in the implementation of cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards", issued by the Museum by means of cash registers (KKT) and transmitted to the Customer.

1.25. Purchase is process of the Museum services or booking and Payment for the Museum services at the Ticket Office or on the Website, as a result of which the Customer receives a Ticket and a cash receipt.

1.26. Refund is a Refund issued in accordance with the terms of the Agreement for the paid Tickets in cash, to a Bank Card or using an Electronic Payment System.

1.27. Refund Request (Request Form) is a provision of the necessary data about the Customer himself/herself and the Tickets in order to make a Refund by filling out an electronic request form on the Website or a paper request form at the Ticket Offices.

1.28. Control is Ticket validation with the help of software and hardware set of technical means.



2.1. The Agreement regulates the relationship between the Customer and the Museum when the Customer purchases the Museum's services on the Website or at the Ticket Offices.

2.2. The Agreement is a contract between the Customer and the Museum, which regulates the Customer's use of the Museum's Website and is (in accordance with Article 426-428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) an affiliation agreement.



3.1. When purchasing Tickets on the Website, the Agreement comes into force from the moment of clicking the button confirming the Customer's consent to the terms of the User Agreement (including consent to the processing of personal data in the case of purchasing a registered Ticket) and to the Museum Admission Policy.

3.2. When purchasing Tickets at the Ticket Office, the Agreement comes into force from the moment the Tickets are sold by the cashier at the request of the Customer.

3.3. The Museum reserves the right to make changes to the Agreement without further notice of the Customer and warns the Customer of the obligation to re-read the text of the Agreement and the amendments each time a new Order is processed. By starting the Ticket purchase process, the Customer agrees to the terms and conditions. The text of the Agreement is available on the Museum's website:



4.1. Customer Rights

4.1.1. Independently receive information from the Museum's official sources about Events, prices, types of Tickets, the sale rules, the persons authorized by the Museum to sell Tickets, as well as the services provided in connection with the Event; independently make a decision to purchase a Ticket by full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Agreement.

4.1.2. Purchase Tickets on the Website and at the Ticket Offices and return them in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

4.1.3. Send feedback about the Museum activity to the contact addresses listed on the Museum's website.

4.1.4. Attend Museum Events on the basis of a Ticket.

4.1.5. The Customer has no right to reproduce, repeat, copy, resell, post on other sites, use for commercial or advertising purposes the information from the Website, including information about the Tickets offered for Purchase and their prices.

4.2. Customer Responsibilities

4.2.1. Fully comply with the terms of the Agreement.

4.2.2. Independently monitor changes in the text of the Agreement, as well as in the terms and conditions of ticket purchase.

4.2.3. Use the Website in good faith (only for purposes that do not contradict the Agreement and in the manner prescribed by the Agreement). The use of software tools for data modification and other methods of unauthorized access to the Website is prohibited.

4.2.4. Purchase and use Tickets only for personal, non-commercial purposes.

4.2.5. At the request of the Museum, present an identity document when purchasing or returning a Ticket, or when passing through the Checkpoint.

4.2.6. At the request of the Museum, present a document confirming eligibility for the discount (along with an ID, if this document lacks a photo) when purchasing a discounted Ticket at the Ticket Offices or when passing through the Checkpoint with a discounted Ticket.

4.2.7. Provide all Ticket data on paper or electronic media in good legible copy at the Checkpoint.

4.2.8. Read the Museum Admission Policy in advance and follow it when visiting the Museum and Events.

4.3. Museum Rights

4.3.1. Unilaterally change the Tickets price offered for Purchase, while the cost of Tickets previously paid by the Customer remains unchanged.

4.3.2. At its discretion set a limit on the number of Tickets and Orders purchased by the Customer.

4.3.3. Set various prices and benefits for visiting exhibitions and permanent displays of the Museum.

4.3.4. Establish a special procedure for the sale of Tickets for individual Events.

4.3.5. Sell non-refundable Tickets as part of special programs and promotions.

4.3.6. Cancel Customer's Orders which violate the terms of the Agreement.

4.3.7. Refuse to sale Tickets at the Ticket Office to a Customer who violates the terms of the Agreement.

4.3.8. Refuse the Customer with a Ticket to attend the Event in case of violation the terms of the Agreement, the Museum and Event Admission Policy.

4.3.9. In exceptional cases, require the Customer to provide an identity document when purchasing or returning Tickets or when passing the Checkpoint.

4.3.10. Require the Customer to provide a document confirming their eligibility for the discount (along with an ID, if this document lacks a photo) when purchasing a discounted Ticket or when presenting it at the Checkpoint.

4.3.11. Do not accept Tickets for refund on the grounds that the Customer did not like the Event or did not have enough time to view the exhibition before the Museum closing.

4.3.12. Do not accept Tickets for refund on the basis that the Customer does not agree with the changes made to the program of the Event (including changes in the composition of performers, replacement of the lecturer, etc.).

4.3.13. Transfer the rights and obligations to sell Tickets to persons authorized by the Museum to sell Tickets. The procedure for selling Tickets in this case is regulated by the User Agreement approved by the authorized person.

4.3.14. Send information messages to Customer related to the procedure of the provision of Museum services (including the procedure of processing an Order).

4.4. Museum Responsibilities

4.4.1. Provide the Customer with complete and sufficient information (in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation) about the Event, prices, types of Tickets available, terms of their sale, terms of their Return, other services in connection with the Event, as well as about the Museum and the Event Admission Policies.

4.4.2. Provide the Customer with the opportunity to Purchase Tickets at the Ticket Offices and / or on the Museum's Website and Return of the monetary funds in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

4.4.3. Provide the Customer with discounts for the Purchase of certain types of Tickets at the Ticket Offices and / or on the Museum's Website, subject to the presentation of a document confirming the visitor's eligibility for the discount.

4.4.4. Indicate on the Website and at the Ticket Offices the exact cost of all types of Tickets offered for Purchase.

4.4.5. Indicate on the Website all persons authorized by the Museum to sell Tickets.

4.4.6. Do not use the Customer's personal data for purposes that do not comply with the terms of this Agreement.



5.1. Payment and Refund Currency

5.1.1. The currency of Payment in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation is the Russian ruble.

5.1.2. The currency of the Refund in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation is the Russian ruble.

5.2. Payment for the Order on the Website is possible using a Bank Card or using Electronic Payment Systems. Paying for an Electronic order at the Ticket Offices is not provided.

5.2.1. After chosing the Tickets, the Customer proceeds processing the Order: fills in all the fields of the electronic questionnaire, agrees to the terms of the Agreement (including consent to the processing of personal data in the case of purchasing a registered Ticket) and the Museum Admission Policy, clicks the "Order" button and sequentially performs all the stages of processing the Order.

5.2.2. As a result of successful Booking of Tickets, the Customer receives an email with a link to his/her Order to the specified email address.

5.2.3. Any time before the Payment is made, the Customer has the right to cancel the unpaid Order if any of the terms of the Agreement are unacceptable.

5.2.4. The booking period depends on the type of Ticket and is indicated at the stage of transition to Paying for Tickets. If no payment is made after this time, the Ticket Booking will be cancelled and the Tickets will be returned to the open sale.

5.2.5. The actual payment for the Order takes place on the website of the Aсquiring Bank or the Electronic Payment System (as a result of automatic redirection). If the Payment is successful, the amount of the Order price is deducted from the Customer's account. If the Payment for the Order has not been completed and / or has not been completed successfully, the Customer has the right to place a new Order and make Payment in accordance with the procedure set out in clause 5 of the Agreement.

5.2.6. As a result of successful Payment, the Customer receives a letter about successful Order Payment with an Electronic Ticket (in the form of a link or attachment) to the specified e-mail address.

5.2.7. The Electronic ticket is considered delivered if the letter about successful Payment was sent by the Museum's mail server. If the specified letter, as well as other letters sent during the process of Booking and paying for the Order are not delivered to the Customer, this does not mean that the Ticket was not booked or sold, since failures in sending letters may occur for reasons beyond the Museum control.

5.2.8. If the Customer refuses of the Order, the Customer is entitled to a Refund of the amount paid by him/her when processing the Order in accordance with clause 5.7. herein.

5.2.9. The Customer has the right to reissue the registered Ticket once to another person. In order to reissue a registered Ticket to another person, the Customer, no later than according to the terms specified for each type of Ticket in clause 7.1, sends an electronic request for re-registration in the specified form, attaches electronic copies of the identity document of the person whose information is indicated in the registered Ticket, as well as the identity document of the person to whom the registered Ticket is re-issued, as well as consent to the processing of personal data of the person to whom the registered Ticket is re-issued to the e-mail address of the ticket sales support service ( If a registered Ticket was issued to a person entitled to the discount, it can only be reissued to a person entitled to the same discount. In this case, the request for reissue is accompanied by electronic copies of documents confirming eligibility for the discount of the person whose information is indicated in the registered Ticket, and the person for whom the registered Ticket is reissued.

5.3. Grounds for refusing to allow a Customer to enter the Museum with a Ticket

5.3.1. The Museum has the right to refuse to pass the Ticket to the Customer in case of non-compliance with the Museum Admission Policy. The current Admission Policy is posted on the official website of the Museum (pushkinmuseum. art).

5.4. Payment Security Procedure

5.4.1. Payment security is provided by the Aquiring Bank, which operates on the basis of modern protocols and technologies developed by Visa International, Mastercard Worldwide (3D-Secure: Verified by Visa, Mastercard SecureCode), MIR and Electronic payment Systems. The security of the transmitted information is ensured by the Acquiring Bank using modern Internet security protocols.

5.5. Order Cancellation Procedure

5.5.1. The Museum cancels the Order if the Customer unilaterally refuses the Order.

5.5.2. The Museum automatically cancels the Order after the end of the Booking Period in case of failure to receive confirmation of the successful payment from the Payment System.

5.5.3. The Museum has the right to cancel the Order in case of a technical failure in the operation of the Ticket System when processing the Order. The amount of the Order value is returned to the Customer's account used when making the Payment in accordance with clause 5.7 of the Agreement.

5.5.4. The Museum has the right to cancel the Order in case of cancellation or replacement of the Event at the initiative of the Museum. The amount of the Order value is returned to the Customer's account used when making the Payment in accordance with clause 5.7 of the Agreement.

5.6. Procedure for Customer information support

5.6.1. If any questions related to processing an Order and making a Payment occur, the Customer can contact the Museum by e-mail address of the ticket sales support service:

5.7. Terms of refund of Electronic Order Payment

5.7.1. The refund of the Payment amount for the paid but not used Electronic Order is made only for Orders proceeded on the Museum's Website using a Bank Card or an Electronic Payment System. The refund is made only to the Customer's account used when paying for the Order.

5.7.2. The used Ticket or part-used Ticket (to enter one of the Ticket's validity zones or to attend part of the Events as part of the subscription) is non-refundable.

5.7.3. The refund of the Payment amount is made only for the entire Order (i.e. for all Tickets included in it). If some of the Tickets of the Order are used, the remaining unused Tickets cannot be returned, except in the cases specified in clause 5.7.10.

5.7.4. A partial refund of the Payment amount for a Ticket that includes several Events (a complex ticket, a subscription), after the deadline specified in clause 7.1, is not carried out, even if the Customer has not attended any of the Events.

5.7.5. The Ticket cannot be exchanged for a Ticket with a different date, a different session or Event, or for a Ticket of a different price (including a surcharge).

5.7.6. To make a Refund of the Payment amount, the Customer fills in the electronic Request refund form no later than the deadline specified in clause 7.1. The Request must contain the same email address that was specified by the Customer when making the Order.

5.7.7. Upon Museum receives the Request, an automatic letter is sent to the sender's address. If such a letter is not received, the Customer must contact the Museum (details are specified in clause 5.6.1) for confirmation of receipt of the Request. If there is no request for confirmation, the Museum is not responsible for not receiving the Customer's Request.

5.7.8. A Refund Request is accepted by the Museum for processing only after the Customer has fully fulfilled the conditions stipulated in clause 5.7. The Request processing period is 10 (ten) calendar days.

5.7.9. The date of Refund of the Payment amount is the date of debiting funds of the Acquiring Bank transit account. The Museum is not responsible for any further transaction of funds.

5.7.10. In case of Return of the Order Payment later than the onset of the terms listed in clause 7.1 in respect of documented circumstances of a Customer's illness or family member or related person illness, death of a family member or related person (as defined in the Family code of the Russian Federation), the Museum Refund the Order Payment subject to the filing out of the Request and supporting documents (electronic copies) to the Museum in the following terms.

  • Due to illness: Request – no later than the date of the visit indicated in the Ticket; disability certificate -no later than 14 days from the date of the visit indicated in the Ticket as part of the Order;
  • In connection with death: Request – no later than the date of the visit indicated in the Ticket; supporting documents (death certificate and documents confirming kinship) – no later than 14 days from the date of the visit indicated in the Ticket as part of the Order.

5.7.11. The Customer's family members are understood as spouses, parents and children (including foster children), and close relatives – grandparents and grandchildren, siblings.

5.7.12. In case of illness, the Customer provides as supporting documents electronic copies of the certificate of disability; medical certificate 095 / у (for students) or a certificate (medical report) issued by a medical organization in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and confirming the fact of the Customer's illness that prevents visiting the Museum, and electronic copies of documents confirming kinship (in case of illness of a family member).

5.7.13. In the event of the death of a relative, the Customer provides as supporting documents an electronic copy of the registered medical certificate of death, form No. 106/у-08 or a certificate of death issued by the Civil Registry Office (provided that the death in accordance with the submitted documents occurred no earlier than 14 days before the Day of the visit indicated on the Ticket, but no later than the Day of the visit and no earlier than the date of purchase of Tickets by the Customer), as well as electronic copies of documents confirming the kinship.

5.7.14. To make a Refund in the situations provided for in clause 5.7.10, the Customer must fill out an electronic Refund Request form, attach electronic copies of the documents confirming the reasons for refusing the Order, and the Customer's identity document. The deadline for reviewing the Request and notifying the Customer of the decision made is 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the Request. The time of receipt of the Request is considered the time of receipt of the Request by the automated system of the Museum.

5.7.15. In order to make a Refund, the Museum has the right to request a Ticket and a Cash Receipt from the Customer.

5.7.16. The Museum reserves the right not to accept for Refund Tickets sold by the Museum within the framework of special programs and promotions that provide for special conditions for the purchase of Tickets (including discounts).

5.7.17. The Museum has the right to limit the number of Tickets that can be returned from one Customer at a time, and to refuse to return payment if:

a) The Customer has not submitted the documents required for processing the Refund;

b) The Customer has submitted documents that contain false information;

c) The Customer has not met the deadline for submitting the Request provided for in clause 7.1. herein.

d) the death of Customer’s family member or close relative occurred later than the Day of the visit indicated on the Ticket, later than the date of purchase of Tickets, or 14 or more days prior to the Day of the Visit;

e) the fact of Customer’s systematic (more than twice a month) appliance with Request is established;

f) more than one Order is returned per Request;

f) the fact of Customer's purchasing of the Tickets for commercial use has been established;

g) the fact of resale of Tickets by persons not authorized by the Museum to sell Tickets in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation has been established.

5.7.18. When returning the Payment amount in case of cancellation or replacement of the Event at the initiative of the Museum, as well as in cases of technical failures that have become obstacles to processing an Order or making a Payment, the Museum informs the Customer about the cancellation, replacement, or postponement of the Event by posting information on the Museum's Website. Refund Requests of the Customers are accepted from the moment of the announcement of the cancellation, replacement, postponement of the Event and within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of the failed Event. The Museum also has the right to automatically cancel the Order and return the Payment amount to the Customer in full without the Customer's request.

5.7.19. The Parties have agreed that the Refund of the Payment amount by the Museum for the relevant Order in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and/or the Payment Systems Regulations and the current legislation of the Russian Federation will be considered by the Parties as a sufficient reason for the Museum to terminate its obligations under this Agreement and consider its obligations fulfilled in full.



6.1. Payment and Refund Currency

6.1.1. The currency of Payment in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation is the Russian ruble.

6.1.2. The currency of the Refund in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation is the Russian ruble.

6.2. Payment for Tickets at the Ticket Offices is possible in cash, by Bank card or using electronic Payment Systems.

6.3. The Customer can purchase a discounted Ticket at the Ticket Offices only upon the presentation of a document confirming their eligibility for the discount (along with an ID, if this document lacks a photo).

6.4. The Customer can exercise his/her right to purchase a discounted ticket at the Ticket Offices no more than once a day.

6.5. A Ticket used in whole or in part (to enter one of the Ticket's validity zones or to attend part of the Events as part of the subscription) is non-refundable.

6.6. A partial refund of the Payment amount for a Ticket that includes several Events (a complex ticket, a subscription), after the deadline specified in clause 7.1, is not carried out, even if the Customer has not attended any of the Events.

6.7. The Museum reserves the right not to accept Tickets for Refund which were sold by the Museum within the framework of special programs and promotions that provide special conditions for the purchase of Tickets (including benefits and discounts).

6.8. The Ticket cannot be exchanged for a Ticket for a different date, a different session or Event, or for a Ticket of a different price (including a surcharge).

6.9. Refunds for unused Tickets purchased at the Ticket Offices are carried out only at the Museum's Ticket Offices. To make a Refund, the Customer must fill out a paper Refund Request at the Ticket Offices and hand over the Tickets no later than the deadline for the Refund (clause 7.1). The Customer must have a Bank Card the Payment was made with, or access to the mobile application of the Electronic Payment System the Payment was made with (if the Payment was non-cash).

6.10. In case of Return of the unused Ticket later than the onset of the terms listed in clause 7.1 in respect of documented circumstances of a Customer's illness or a family member or a related person illness, or death of a family member or a related person (as defined in the Family code of the Russian Federation), the Museum Refund the Ticket Payment subject to the filing of the Request and supporting documents (electronic copies) to the Museum in the following terms.

  • Due to illness: Request – no later than the date of the visit indicated in the Ticket; disability certificate - no later than 14 days from the date of the visit indicated in the Ticket;
  • In the event of death: Request – no later than the Day of the visit indicated on the Ticket, supporting documents (death certificate and documents confirming kinship) – no later than 14 days from the Date of the visit indicated in the Ticket.

6.11. The Customer's family members are understood as spouses, parents and children (including foster children), and close relatives – grandparents and grandchildren, siblings.

6.12. In case of illness, the Customer provides supporting documents of electronic copies of the certificate of disability; medical certificate 095 / у (for students) or a certificate (medical report) issued by a medical organization in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and confirming the fact of the Customer's illness that prevents visiting the Museum, and documents confirming kinship (in case of illness of a family member).

6.13. In the event of the death of the Customer’s family member or a close relative, the Customer provides supporting documents of the originals or copies of the registered medical certificate of death in form No. 106/у-08 or the certificate of death issued by the Civil Registry Office (provided that the death in accordance with the submitted documents occurred not earlier than 14 days before the Day of the visit indicated on the Ticket, but not later than the Day of the visit and not earlier than the date of purchase of the Ticket by the Customer), as well as electronic copies or photographs of documents confirming the kinship.

6.14. In order to make a Refund in the situations provided for in clause 6.10, the Customer must first fill out an electronic Refund Request form, attaching electronic copies of: the unused Ticket; documents confirming the reasons for refusing the Ticket; documents proving the Customer's identity. The deadline for reviewing the Request and notifying the Customer of the decision made is 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the Request. The time of receipt of the Request is considered the time of receipt of the Request by the automated system of the Museum. In the case of a positive decision, the Customer, no later than 30 (thirty) days after submitting the request, applies to the Museum's Ticket Office with the original Ticket for a refund of the Ticket price.

6.15. To make a Refund, the Museum has the right to request the Customer of a Ticket and a Cash Receipt.

6.16. When Paying for a Ticket with a Bank Card, the Refund of the Ticket price is made only to the Bank Card from which the Payment was made. The Customer must have a Bank Card with him/her. The period of Refund of the Ticket price to the Customer's card depends on the issuing bank.

6.17. When Paying for a Ticket through the Electronic Payment System, the Ticket price is refunded only using the mobile application of the Electronic Payment System used for the Payment. The term of refund of the Ticket price to the Customer's account depends on the Electronic Payment System.

6.18. In the case of a Refund to a Bank Card or via an Electronic Payment System, the Refund date is the date when the funds are debited from the Acquiring Bank transit account. The Museum is not responsible for any further transaction of funds.

6.19. In case of a Cash Refund, the Customer receives cash for the Tickets at the Ticket Offices after the Request is processed by the cashier.

6.20. The Museum has the right to limit the number of Tickets that can be refunded from one Customer at a time, and to refuse to refund if:

a) the form and details of the Ticket do not correspond to the forms and details approved by the authorized federal executive authority; the elements of the Ticket design do not correspond to the elements of the design established by the Museum; the Ticket contains corrections and marks or is fake;

b) The Customer has not provided the documents required for processing the Refund;

c) the Customer has provided documents containing false information;

d) The Customer does not comply with the deadline for submitting a Refund Request of the Ticket provided for in clause 7.1. herein.

d) the death of the Customer’s family member or close relative occurred later than the Day of the visit indicated on the Ticket, later than the date of purchase of Tickets, or 14 or more days prior to the Day of the Visit;

e) the fact of the Customer’s systematic (more than twice a month) appliance with Requests is established;

f) the fact of Customer's purchasing of the Tickets for commercial use has been established;

g) the fact of resale of Tickets by persons not authorized by the Museum to sell Tickets in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation has been established.

6.21. In case of cancellation or replacement of the Event at the initiative of the Museum, the Museum informs the Customer about the cancellation, replacement, or postponement of the Event by posting information on the Museum's website. Refund Requests of the Customers are accepted from the moment of the announcement of the cancellation, replacement, postponement of the Event and within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of the failed Event.



7.1. The Ticket refund period depends on the type of Ticket. The time of receipt of a Refund Request is considered the time of receipt of the Request in the Museum's CRM system or the time of transfer of the completed paper Request to the Museum's Ticket Office. The Museum reserves the right to refuse to refund the Ticket price if the Request is received later than the specified period.



Entrance Ticket without specifying the start time of its validity on the Day of the visit

23:59 of the day preceding the date of the visit indicated on the Ticket

Entrance Ticket with the start time of the session

23:59 of the day preceding the date of the visit indicated on the Ticket

Ticket to the Event without specifying the start time on the Day of the visit

23:59 of the day preceding the date of the Event

Entrance complex Ticket with a validity period of more than 1 (one) day

23:59 of the day preceding the first visit date indicated on the Ticket

Individual excursion ticket for a combined tour

23:59 of the day preceding the date of the Tour

A Ticket to the Event with an indication of its start time on the Day of the visit

23:59 of the day preceding the date of the Event

Group tour package

No later than 3 (three) days before the date of the tour

Subscription to lectures, excursions, classes

No later than 3 (three) days before the date of the first Event as part of the subscription

Ticket to the Event of the festival "Sviatoslav Richter December Nights"

No later than 3 (three) days before the date of the tour



8.1. The Museum undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Customer. It is not considered as Museum’s violation the provision of the information to persons acting on a contract basis with the Museum in order to fulfill their obligations to the Customer. The Museum provides access to personal data only to those employees, contractors and agents who use this information in order to ensure the operation of the Website and provision services to the Customer.

8.2. The processing of the Customer's personal data is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Museum processes the Customer's data in order to provide the Customer with services, verify, research and analyze this data, as well as to communicate with the Customer. The Museum takes all necessary and reasonable measures to protect the Customer's data from unauthorized access and its illegal disclosure.

8.3. By accepting the terms of the User Agreement, the Customer agrees to the processing of personal data (both with the use of automation tools and without), including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data provided by the Customer in connection with the implementation of this Agreement, as well as other actions provided for by Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ of July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data".

8.4. The Museum does not verify the accuracy of the data provided by the Customer and does not monitor its relevance, but assumes that the Customer provides up-to-date, reliable and sufficient data during the Order processing process and informs the Museum of any changes in the data provided by him/her. All responsibility for the consequences of providing false or irrelevant data is borne by the Customer.

8.5. The Museum has the right to use the information provided by the Customer in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of applicable current legislation (including in order to prevent and/or suppress illegal and/or illegal actions of the Customer). The information provided by the Customer can be disclosured only in accordance with the applicable current legislation of the Russian Federation at the request of the court, law enforcement agencies and in other cases provided for by law.

8.6. The Customer is responsible for the confidentiality of information about the purchased Tickets, as well as about the number and details of his/her Order.

8.6.1. The Museum is not responsible for other persons apart from the Customer to pass through the Event using a Ticket and has the right to refuse entrance to the Event to all Ticket holders with identical barcodes or QR codes.

8.7. The Customer is responsible for the safety of the paper Ticket (from of strict accounting) purchased at the Ticket Offices. Re-issue of a paper Ticket at the Ticket Office is not provided.



9.1. The Customer uses the Website and the functionality provided by it at his/her own risk. The Museum assumes no responsibility for the correct use of the Website by the Customer, including for the compliance of the Website's capabilities with the Customer's goals and expectations.

9.2. The Museum is not responsible for any contracts concluded between the Customer and third parties.

9.3. The Museum is not responsible for Tickets purchased not at the Museum's Ticket Offices, not on the Museum's Website or from persons authorized by the Museum to sell Tickets, and does not guarantee the authenticity of these Tickets. Upon presentation of such Tickets at the Checkpoint, the Museum has the right to refuse entrance to the Customer and withdraw of these Tickets.

9.4. The Museum has the right to unilaterally terminate the operation of the Website or part of it at any time without the Customer's prior notice. The Museum is not responsible for temporary or permanent termination of the Website operation.

9.5. The Museum makes every possible effort to ensure the normal operation of the Website, but the Museum is not responsible for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the Agreement to the Customer in terms of compensation for direct or indirect losses (damage) that occurred due to the inability to use the Website in certain cases.

9.6. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, as well as accidents or failures in the software and hardware systems of third parties cooperating with the Museum, or actions (inaction) of third parties aimed at suspending or terminating the operation of the Website, the Website may be suspended without Customer's notice.

9.7. The Museum is not responsible for the terms of Payments and Refunds by banks and other organizations.

9.8. The Museum's liability to the Customer is limited to the Cost of the services purchased by the Customer.

9.9. The Parties are released from liability for full or partial non-performance of their obligations, if such non-performance was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the entry into force of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the Parties could not have foreseen and prevented by reasonable measures.

9.10. The Museum is not responsible for any disputes or disagreements arising between the Customer and the Payment System and/or the credit institution on Payment Issues.



10.1. In the event of a conflict, the text of the Agreement posted on the Website will take precedence over any other text of the Agreement.

10.2. In cases not specified in the Agreement, the relationship between the Museum and the Customer is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.3. In case of disagreements and disputes concerning the Agreement and its scope, the Museum and the Customer shall make every possible effort to resolve them through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, it is resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.4. The Customer hereby confirms that he/she has read and accepts the terms of the Agreement in full (and without any additional clauses). The Customer hereby undertakes to fully comply with all the provisions of the Agreement in his/her relations with the Museum.