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Non-governmental organizations and foundations

Inclusive Fest
Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
Understanding the Museum

September 17–23, 2018
Moscow, Russia
Volkhonka, 12


How do people with hearing or visual limitations, impaired mobility, or mental disabilities engage with an art work? This is a topic that is attracting increasing interest from artists, curators, and museum professionals around the world. Inclusivity is a new term that has been borrowed into the Russian language only recently. It refers to the opportunities given to visitors with special needs as they communicate and engage with art.

Communication barriers, physical obstacles, and the means to overcome them will be among the topics at the Inclusive Fest that will be held at the Pushkin State Museum on September 17–23. The festival program includes events designed for people both with and without disabilities: an acoustic performance, a show in sign language, tactile master classes, and a movie with audio descriptive commentary.

Engaging with people with intellectual disabilities is going to be the focal point of the festival this year. The potential for people with special needs to perceive art is still a frequent point of discussion, and it is a topic that can be mythologized. The Inclusive Fest offers lectures, discussions, and shows exploring how people with developmental conditions and intellectual disorders comprehend the world, perceive art, and express creative abilities.

Museum professionals from all over the globe will take part in the scientific conference that will be held during the festival. The conference will include a discussion of issues concerning the creation of a barrier-free environment, such as engaging with visitors with various health limitations in the exposition areas and ensuring the accessibility of educational programs. Festival curator: Evgeniya Kiseleva, coordinators: Albina Dzhumaeva, Mark Molochnikov.


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