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International Inclusive Festival

International Inclusive Festival

Experience the World My Way

and Conference “Accessible Museum”

October 7–13, 2019


The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

Supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation


Vision is no longer the only way to perceive art in a museum. Artists and curators have been increasingly using sound, movement, touch, and even the sense of smell in their work. The Pushkin Museum Inclusive Festival will be dedicated to the diversity of senses that help us perceive art. The program encompasses events designed for children and adults: discussions, workshops, performances, lectures, tactile tours, and classes in Russian sign language. The festival brings together participants from around the world – artists, curators, art therapists, and educators.

It has been held in the museum annually since 2017. This year’s theme, “Experience the World My Way,” emphasizes the goal of expanding our own perceptions and seeing the world through new eyes. All events will be inclusive, meaning that they will be accessible for every museum visitor, both with disabilities and without. The experience of inclusive communication, which is equally important for everyone, will be the unifying motif of the festival.

For visually impaired children, there will be activities with tactile models based on Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art works. Family groups with deaf and hearing-impaired members will be able to take tours around the Museum’s permanent exhibition in Russian sign language. Children and adults with autism and other special developmental needs will be invited to visit creative classes in art therapy studios and multisensory workshops.


The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts would like to thank the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Russian Federation, the Goethe-Institute, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Russian Federation, the Embassy of the Italian Republic in the Russian Federation, the Austrian Cultural Forum, as well as the Embassy of Hungary in the Russian Federation for organizing the festival.

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts expresses gratitude to the strategic partner of the project “Accessible Museum” - the Absolute-Help Charitable Foundation.

Additional information:


    • 6:00 – 8:00 pm Discussion “Exhibiting the senses. Sound, taste and proprioception in a museum.”
    • Participants:
    • Dr. Rotraut Krall, art historian, curator of the barrier-free education programmes at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
    • Elena Tupyseva, director of the Ballet Moscow Theater
    • Eugenia Kiseleva Phd, head of the Access and Inclusion Department, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Elena Kovylina, artist, laureate of the Innovation state prize in the field of contemporary art, founder of the Art in Science Foundation
    • Simon Mraz, organizer of art projects, curator, director of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Moscow
    • Moderator: Olga  Shishko, сurator, art critic, head of the Department of Film and Media Art, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, curator of the direction "Pushkin XXI"
    • Venue: Italian Courtyard, Main Building
    • The hegemonie of visual perception in the modern museum has been increasingly challenged. Hearing, touch, and proprioception have also become important for museum curators as ways of experiencing art, as well as vision. Does this create equal opportunities for people with disabilities? During the discussion, issues of including emotional and bodily experience in the palette of sensations in the museum, transformation of exhibition and educational projects under the influence of the widespread use of multisensory issues will be touched upon.
    • With English-Russian and Russian-English simultaneous interpretation, as well as Russian sign language interpretation.
    • Registration:
    • 10:00–11:00 pm               “Quiet hours” for visiting the museum by people with reduced sensory threshold
    • Venue: Permanent exhibition, Main Building
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 10:30am –2:00pm           Research and Practical Conference “Accessible Museum”
    • Venue: Big Hall, Museion Educational Centre
    • Panel session: New audiences of the modern museum. Special language for special visitors
    • 10:30–10:45 am
    • Greeting
    • Marina Loshak, director of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.
    • 10:45–11:00 am
    • The Pushkin Museum for all. Development of the “Accessible Museum” project
    • Evgenia Kiseleva PhD, head of the Access and Inclusion Department, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • 11:00–11:45 am
    • Educational programs for people in their golden years
    • Keynote Speech
    • Irina Antonova, president of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • 11:45 am –12:00 pm
    • Who includes inclusion
    • Yaroslav Alyoshin, curator of social and cultural projects of the foundation V – A - C
    • 12:00–12:45 pm
    • Seeing things differently together – Barrier-free Art Mediation in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
    • Keynote Speech
    • Dr. Rotraut Krall, art historian, curator of the  barrier-free education programs at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
    • 12:45–1:00 pm
    • Lectures on the history of art for the visually impaired and blind (using tactile models) at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Natalia Kortunova, Senior Researcher, curator of the 19th – 20th centuries sculpture collection, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • 1:00–1:15 pm
    • Inclusion as a way to explain art in an accessible language
    • Larisa Grinberg, Curator of the exhibition "The Art of Being", National Center for Contemporary Arts
    • 1:15–1:30 pm
    • Whose museum is this? Involvement of adolescents with various social backgrounds and characteristics in the cultural process. The “Growth Time” project of the Absolute Help Fund and the Polytechnic Museum
    • Polina Filippova, Executive Director, Absolut-Help Charity Fund
    • Vera Shengelia, Deputy Director for Visitor Services, Polytechnic Museum
    • 1:30–1:45 pm
    •  Discussion 
    • With English-Russian and Russian-English simultaneous interpretation, as well as Russian sign language interpretation
    • Registration:
    • 11:00–12:00 am               Ceramics workshop for children with special needs
    • Marina Kovalenko, artist, curator of the ceramic and sculpture workshop at the Museion Educational Center
    • Venue: Museion Educational Centre, 118 room
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 1:00–2:30pm     Engraving workshop for children with special needs
    • Svetlana Kochetkova, artist, curator of the print workshop at the Museion Educational Centre
    • Venue: Museion Educational Centre, 207 audience
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 2:00–3:00pm     Workshop and social performance “Restitution of signs”
    • Jan Vormann, visual artist
    • Venue: Big Hall, Museion Education Center
    • Jan Vormann, artist (Germany), a participant of the International Art Biennale in Venice (2011), the Architectural Biennale in Venice (2018), group exhibitions in Germany, Great Britain, the USA, Venezuela, Denmark, Spain, Taiwan, France, Switzerland and other countries. At the inclusive festival in The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Jan will hold a social performance, the participants of which will be children and adolescents with and without disabilities. The purpose of the event will be the creation of alternative traffic signs and other visual markers of the presence of people with disabilities in public space. According to Jan Vormann, the three ways how to address ideas to bigger crowds in the streets are: Advertisement if you have the money, graffiti / street art if you have the balls and official street signs if you are the authority.  The participants of the workshop will be asked which street signs could be improved, should be altered or need to be newly created altogether.
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 3:00–5:00pm     Vocal workshop “Circlesongs. Circle singing” for children with Williams syndrome
    • Conducted by Mikhail Chirinashvili, musician, author and performer of his own songs, vocal coach and teacher of ensemble vocal improvisation
    • Venue: Italian Courtyard, Main Building
    • Chirinashvili Mikhail Revazovich - a graduate of The Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (conductor-choir faculty) and Moscow State Institute of Cinematography (Faculty of pop orchestras and ensembles, jazz piano). Musician, author and performer of his own songs, vocal coach, teacher of ensemble vocal improvisation (Circlesongs). The Circle Songs (circular singing) is a type of ensemble improvisational singing in a circle. Music is born on the spot from a common space. This is an opportunity to see each other, to hear music among us, to think about how music is born, to communicate in the language of music.
    • 5:00–7:00pm     Discussion “People with disabilities. Questions of terminology and vocabulary. Perception in the society and culture”
    • Participants:
    • Maxim Krongauz, linguist, Doctor of Philological Sciences
    • Dmitry Savitsky, journalist, founder of Silver Rain Radio
    • Yulia Safonova, linguist, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Member of the Expert Council of the “Total Dictation”, scientific consultant of the portal
    • Diana Gurtskaya, singer, philanthropist, founder of the Diana Gurtskaya Center for socio-cultural rehabilitation
    • Natalya Rivkina, psychiatrist, member of the Educational Committee of the International Society of Psychosocial Oncology, head of the psychiatric clinic of EMC
    • Denise Roza, chairman of the public organization of disabled people “Perspective”, head of the international film festival on the life of people with disabilities “Cinema without barriers”, founder of the “Best friends” fund for support of people with intellectual disabilities and development.
    • Disability is a topic that people don't like to write and talk about. For various reasons, people with disabilities were invisible in our country. The last decade has seen changes, but language and consciousness do not always keep up with them. In our speech, “autistic”, “wheelchair”, “disabled person” and such euphemisms as “sunny children” or “people with disabilities” are equally common. What does the absence of neutral colored terminology in Russian speak of? How can we change the situation? What does the terminology issue look like in the context of linguistics, media and culture?
    • Venue: Italian Courtyard, Main Building
    • With English-Russian and Russian-English simultaneous interpretation, as well as Russian sign language interpretation
    • Registration:
    • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm       Research and Practical Conference “Accessible Museum”
    • Venue: Big Hall, Museion Education Center
    • Panel session: From designing visitor experiences to Artistic collaborations
    • 10:00–10:15 am
    • Sociocultural projects of the Kremlin Museums
    • Olga Dmitrieva, Deputy Director of the Kremlin Museums
    • 10:15–10:30 am
    • Art as a tool for the socialization of deaf and hard of hearing teenagers
    • Vlad Kolesnikov, sound defectologist, curator of accessibility programs at the State Historical Museum, teacher of continuing education for a boarding school for the deaf and hard of hearing N52, curator of the DEAF TEENS direction of the “Cascade. The project as a method "
    • Alevtina Gubareva, Ivan Dneprov, students of a boarding school for the deaf and hard of hearing N52, participants of the direction DEAF TEENS, “Cascade. Project as a method” (2018-2019)
    • 10:30–10:45 am
    • Educational program for children with special needs at the exhibition “Shchukin. Biography of a collection”
    • Maria Dreznina, artist, senior researcher at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • 10:45–11:00 am
    • Sociocultural activities at the State Russian Museum
    • Anastasia Volodina, specialist in scientific and educational activities of the Department of Sociocultural Communications, the State Russian Museum
    • 11:00–11:45 am
    • How does the Rijksmuseum make accessibility, diversity and inclusion a structural part of the museum policy
    • Keynote Speech
    • Cathelijne Denecamp, Rijksmuseum Accessibility Manager (Amsterdam)
    • 11:45 am–12:00 pm
    • “Museum in Russian Sign Language for Children”: a case for creating a mobile application
    • Lyudmila Luchkova, Inclusive Program Manager, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow
    • 12:00–12:15 pm
    • Special perspective. Experience in creating an inclusive information culture
    • Ksenia Dmitrieva, head of the program “Special view” of the  charity Found “Art, Science and Sport”
    • 12:15–12:30 pm
    • Sociocultural projects of The State Tretyakov Gallery
    • Marina Elsesser, Deputy General Director for Education and Publishing, The State Tretyakov Gallery
    • 12:30–1:30 pm
    • Accessibility and inclusion: programs, practices and methodology at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice
    • Elena Minarelli, manager for Education, Grants and Special Programs at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection (Venice)
    • Keynote Speech
    • 1:30–1:45 pm
    • Guided tours in Russian sign language of the State Hermitage Museum temporary exhibitions
    • Ilya Yermolaev, Assistant of a General Director, the State Hermitage Museum
    • Anastasia Burkovskaya, Methodologist, the State Hermitage Museum
    • Alexandra Isaeva, Vera Shamaeva,  guides, the State Hermitage Museum
    • 1:45–2:00 pm
    • Discussion
    • With English-Russian and Russian-English simultaneous interpretation, as well as Russian sign language interpretation
    • 3:00–4:30 pm    Lecture for the blind and visually impaired "The life and work of Pablo Picasso"
    • Natalia Kortunova, senior researcher, curator of the sculpture collection of the 19th – 20th centuries, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Venue: Italian Courtyard, Main Building
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 4:00–6:00 pm    Master class for children with special needs and their parents “New life with a museum”
    • Conducted by Maria Dreznina, artist, senior researcher, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Participants: members of the “Boomerang” theater studio
    • Venue: Art Therapy Workshop at the Museion Educational Center
    • 4:00–6:00 pm    Workshop for professionals “How to create object descriptions for visual impaired people to increase touch impressions?”
    • Dr. Rotraut Krall, art historian, curator of the  barrier-free education programs at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
    • Venue: Italian Courtyard, Main Building
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 6:00–7:00 pm    Performance "Corridor of Reflections"
    • Elena Kovylina, artist, laureate of the Innovation state prize in the field of contemporary art, founder of the Art in Science Foundation
    • Venue: Permanent exhibition, Main Building
    • During the performance in the form of an excursion, a participatory art practice is used - representatives of special groups speak in the first person about their perception and experience of art. Only such a speech can be considered authentic and representative, without being a discourse imposed from without. Participants of the performance, listening to people with disabilities, are immersed in the world of their feelings and emotions, the guides of which are well-known artistic images, paintings and sculptures.
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 7:00–8:30 pm    Special opinion: Image of the ‘other’ in the art of past and present”
    • Participants: 
    • Katya Bochavar, artist, sculptor, curator, architect, performance writer
    • Danila Bulatov, art critic, curator, researcher, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Jan Vormann, visual artist
    • Moderator: Catherine Kochetkova, art historian, associate professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University
    • Venue: Italian Courtyard, Main Building
    • Discussions about the "otherness" of the artist, about the specific structure of his "inner world" are often heard in conversations about art. But what is really behind these cliches? What is the artist “specialness” manifested in - in his mind, body, worldview, creative practice? How is this “feature” perceived by its bearer and society? Does it become an occasion for conflict or an opportunity for dialogue? How do historical and contemporary art and curatorial approaches allow you to work with the category of “other”? What opportunities do new media and technologies open up for it? What place in art is assigned to another "other" - the viewer? During the discussion, these and other issues will be covered in a broad historical perspective: from the revolt of romantics and decadents to the art of outsiders and contemporary immersive projects.
    • With English-Russian and Russian-English simultaneous interpretation, as well as Russian sign language interpretation
    • 10:00–11:00am “Quiet hours” for visiting the museum by people with reduced sensory threshold
    • Venue: Permanent exhibition, Main Building
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 11:00 am –12:30 pm      Presentation of new series of the digital inclusive project "Time Machine" in conjunction with the company LANIT
    • Participants:
    • Elena Gens, vice president of the Social projects in the Group of Companies LANIT
    • Julia Shikova, director of the training center "Network Academy LANIT"
    • Evgenia Kiseleva PhD, head of the Access and Inclusion Department, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Venue: Music Salon, Museion Education Center
    • With English-Russian and Russian-English simultaneous interpretation, as well as Russian sign language interpretation
    • Registration:
    • 11:00 am–1:00 pm          Workshop for children with special needs and their parents “New life with a museum”
    • Conducted by Maria Dreznina, artist, senior researcher, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Participants: wards of the ABSOLUTE-HELP charity foundation
    • Venue: Art Therapy Workshop at the Museion Education Center
    • 5:00–5:45 pm    Working with children with visual impairment workshop
    • Elena Minarelli, education, grants and special programs Manager, Peggy Guggenheim Collection (Venice)
    • Venue: Permanent exhibition, Main Building
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 6:00 – 6:30 pm Plastic performance «Ora rotundo»
    • Theater Ballet Moscow
    • Choreographer: Isan Rustem (UK)
    • At the “Inclusive Festival” in The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the artists of the Theater Ballet Moscow will perform the dance composition “Ora rotundo”, which is translated from Latin as “Out loud”.
    • Under the dramatic sounds of Franz Schubert's string quartet, the dancers will share their emotions and feelings with the audience in a dance. One of the most emotional pieces by Franz Schubert, the string quartet “No. 14 in D Minor“ Death and the Virgin ”. The categorical imperative”, is dedicated to the philosophical idea of returning the gained experience and broadcasting the relationship that you want to see from others.
    • The dance text of the ballet belongs to the British choreographer Isan Rustem. He, together with the artists of Ballet Moscow, tried to "feel the world as his German composer could feel during the days of writing the quartet." Dancers “with all their might” share this rich, passionate experience with the audience.
    • The choreographer created an exciting dance composition in which the performers are literally on the verge of emotional and physical capabilities, offering us a visual interpretation of the philosophical and musical text about the categorical imperative.
    • 7:00 – 8:00 pm Discussion “Commemoriality as an exhibitional solution. Emotions and affect as artist’s and curator’s tools”
    • Participants:
    • Aleksandra Danilova, curator of the exhibitions "Tsai Guoqiang. October", "Collection of Fondation Louis Vuitton: Selected Works" and dozens of others, Head of the 19th and 20th Century European and American Art Department, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Katalin Timar, researcher, curator, Ludwig Museum (Budapest)
    • Roman Romanov, director of the Gulag History Museum (Moscow)
    • Moderator: Eugenia Kiseleva PhD, head of the Access and Inclusion Department, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Venue: Italian Courtyard, Main Building
    • In modern expositional practices, the use of such radical instruments as affect, suspense, and acute emotions is increasingly noticeable. The discussion is devoted to how the emotional experience of the exhibition enhances the narrative, what tools are used by curators to work with topics such as collective memory and trauma. Participants will discuss shocked, affecting reactions, discomfort, inconvenience as an artistic technique of commemoriality. Does the desire to unbalance the viewer have boundaries, and who defines these boundaries?
    • With English-Russian and Russian-English simultaneous interpretation, as well as Russian sign language interpretation
    • Registration:
    • 1:00–2:30 pm    Workshop for professionals "Printing Techniques"
    • Svetlana Kochetkova, graphic artist, printer, teacher of print studio at the Museion Educational Center, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Venue: Museion Education Center, 207 audience
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 3:00–4:00 pm    Multisensory workshop for visually impaired and blind people “The subject world of the Edo era”.
    • Conducted by Evgenia Kiseleva PhD, head of the Access and Inclusion department of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Venue: Italian Courtyard, Main Building
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 4:00–6:00 pm    Workshop "Methods of working with a family raising a child with disabilities (on the basis of the Museion Educational Center of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts)"
    • Conducted by Maria Dreznina, artist, senior researcher at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Participants: wards of the Boomerang charity foundation
    • Venue: Art Therapy Workshop at the Museion Educational Center
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 6:00–7:15 pm    Discussion from the series “Friday Dialogues near by the Pictures” (in conjunction with ScienceMe). In the framework of the festival "Fridays at The Pushkin Museum"
    • Discussion of the painting by Sandro Botticelli "Annunciation"
    • (1495–1498)
    • Participants:
    • Alexey Rastorguev – candidate of Art History, associate professor of the department of General History of Arts, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University, medievalist;
    • Konstantin Dudakov-Kashuro – сandidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Studies of National Literature and Cultures, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Associate Professor, Department of Cinema and Contemporary Art, Graduate School of Art Practices and Museum Technologies, Russian State University of Humanities
    • Venue: Michelangelo Hall (29 room)
    • With translation into Russian sign language
    • 7:30–9:00 pm    Guided tour, “Panticapaeum, Fanagoria and Hermonass” from the cycle “Great archaeological discoveries” with sign language translation
    • Conducted by Anna Topelberg,  Guided Tours and Lectures Department
    • Venue: Permanent exhibition, Main Building
    • Registration:
    • 3:00–4:00 pm    Tour in Russian sign language of the exhibitions «“Russian Jordaens”. Paintings and Drawings by Jacob Jordaens from Russian Collections»
    • lead by Mikhail Veselov, deaf  guide
    • Location: Rooms 9-10, Main building
    • 11:00–12:00 am               Ceramics workshop for children with special needs
    • Marina Kovalenko, artist, curator of the ceramic and sculpture workshop at the Museion Educational Center
    • Venue: Museion Educational Centre, 118 room
    • You can register for the event by sending a request to the address:
    • 1:00–2:00 pm    Tour in Russian sign language «The Art of Byzantium and Western Europe in the Middle Ages»
    • lead by Mikhail Veselov, deaf  guide
    • Location: Permanent exhibition, Main building
    • Registration:
    • 12:00–3:00 pm Tour of the permanent exhibition by the Young Art Historians Club members
    • 12:00–12:45 pm Family sightseeing tour for CODA(Children of Deaf Adults) children and their parents
    • Vika Spasenova, 16 y.o.
    • With Russian sign language interpretation
    • 1:30–1:15 pm Excursion for children from large families "Stories told by the light"
    • Lisa Zagaynaya, 14 y.o.
    • On the tour we’ll talk about Rembrandt and his paintings. We will try to figure out how he conveys the psychology of people in portraits using a ray of light. We will try to explain to you why Rembrandt is such a significant figure in world painting.
    • 2:00–2:45 pm Excursion for children from large families "Museum Travel in Time and Space"
    • Joanna Kuznetsova, 17 y.o.
    • We invite all young visitors to talk about the museum in the halls of Dutch and Flemish art of  the 17th century. We will search for pictures by clues, find out the secrets of portraits. And in the end everyone will be able to draw their own small museum.
    • Recommended for children 6-10 years old.
    • 3:00–5:00 pm    Digital projects on art history at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
    • Location: Museion Educational Centre, Music Salon


The programme is subject to change.

All events of the Festival are free to attend with prior registration.

Administration has exclusive rights of altering the programme of events.



