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Albert Marquet

27 Sep 2016 - 08 Jan 2017

The concept of an exhibition of Albert Marquet’s (1875–1947) works was conceived and fulfilled by the curators of Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris as a monographic research on the oeuvre of this renowned French artist.  The exhibits – from the early “Algerian” studies up to the later Marquet’s paintings depicting views of Parisian quais and squares – come from European and American museums and private collections.

The exhibition hosted by the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts will be completed with some materials on Marquet’s travel to Russia and his impressions. The display will also include artworks created by the Vkhutemas and Vkhutein alumni of the 1920s, members of the “13” group, and the “Circle of Artists” group from Leningrad, who praised Marquet’s oeuvre and implemented similar aesthetic principles in their cityscapes of Moscow and Leningrad.

Albert Marquet formed his artistic talent in the late 19th – early 20th century, during the period of flourishing of Parisian artistic life. The artist had a close friendship with the Fauves – Henri Matisse and André Derain. He standed out among the Fauves who were famous for using bold colors and simplified forms. Marquet’s peculiar and original technique consisted in combining the plasticity of dynamic and unchained brushstrokes and a harmonious palette with a range of complex color schemes.

27 Sep 2016 - 08 Jan 2017