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Discussion 'Social Museum. Cultural Audiences and Global Accessibility in the 21st Century'


Venue: Zoom platform


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The desire to reach new audiences led the museum at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries to significant institutional changes. The COVID-19 pandemic has added new challenges to the task of maintaining contact with these audiences. How has interaction between the museum and the public evolved in the era of the pandemic? What changes are taking place in museums due to this interaction? Is the representation of people with disabilities in contemporary museum practices one of the effects of this interaction?


Natalia Kopelyanskaya - museologist, curator


Prof. Ilya Doronchenkov - Deputy Director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts for Research and Education

Dr. Matthias Henkel - Embassy of Culture (Berlin, Germany)

Prof. Ido Bruno - Director of the Israel Museum (Jerusalem, Israel)

Noël Bella Merriam - AT&T Director of Education, Diversity and Inclusion at the San Antonio Museum of Art (San Antonio, Texas, USA)

Evgeniya Kiseleva - curator of the festival 'Everybody Is Present', Head of Access and Inclusion department at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.

Kate Davey - Training Programme Manager. Outside In (Chichester, UK)