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Master class for all those interested in inclusive dance and presentation of author's methodology for specialists from BewegGrund (Switzerland)


Venue: Zoom platform


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The Swiss inclusive dance company BewegGrund has been the flagship of inclusive dance not only in its own country, but also in Europe for over twenty years. During the master class, Swiss specialists will talk about their working methods, show the most interesting and effective exercises, and share examples from their everyday practice.

With German-Russian and Russian-German simultaneous interpretation, as well as with Russian sign language translation


The presenters:

Cornelia Jungo - dancer with congenital disability (diagnosis - osteogenesis imperfect), has been working with the company on a permanent basis since June 2019 (takes part in master classes and performs administrative functions)

Suzanne Schneider - dance teacher and choreographer, creator of modern and inclusive dance performances