Official branch website
Arsenal is one of the leading regional institutions active in contemporary art and contemporary culture development. The branch staff team presents exhibitions and multidisciplinary projects, educational programs, programs for kids, and accessibility projects. Since 2011, the branch occupies an architectural landmark dating back to the mid-19th century — the Arsenal of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. The adaption of the fortification building for museum needs is the first project of a kind in Russia. The building gave the name to the institution — the Arsenal. Today the Arsenal is a space for an artistic communication of professionals, experts, and contemporary art lovers.
Official branch website
The Vasari Festival — Russia’s only festival of texts on art — is held at the Arsenal annually in early fall. The festival is named after the Italian artist Giorgio Vasari of Arezzo (1511–1574), the author of the first ever major research work on artists and their art and founder of art history as we know it today. During the festival, a book fair is held, presenting editions from Russia’s best humanitarian and children’s publishing houses. The intellectual platform includes public talks, panel discussions, lectures, and public readings. The festival is accompanied by music and theatre events, and a special program for kids. Following the festival, an almanac with texts ranging from academic research to fiction and opinion journalism is published.
Первый «Фестиваль графики на Музейной набережной» прошел в 2022 году, был организован Арсеналом и НГХМ.
Выставки 2023 года: «Живу и вижу. Художники и поэты круга Вс. Некрасова», «Легкое чтение», «Линия движется по бумаге и исчезает в лесу», «Черное зеркало Уильяма Хогарта».
Программа включала выставки, лекции, экскурсии, школу графики, а также музыкальные и семейные мероприятия. Ежегодный фестиваль призван познакомить зрителя с широким диапазоном выразительных средств и техник графики, а также представить разнообразные коллекции этого вида искусства.
Выставки 2024 года: «Юбилей. Технология и мифология круглых дат», «Города Георгия Гольца», «Диптихи: образ города Горького в конце 1950-х — начале 1980-х годов», «Федор Шехтель: неизвестный нижегородский проект».
Kremlin, building 6, the Arsenal; Nizhny Novgorod; 603082
Opening hours: 12 p.m. — 8 p.m. (closed on Mondays). Free entrance on Wednesdays upon registration on
Phone number: +7 (831) 422-45-54
Fax: +7 (831) 422-75-55