The Unknown Shchukin. More Than Modern Art
Authors: N. Aleksandrova, N. Alfonso, E. Anokhina, E. Berdnik, O. Chernova, N. Gozheva, S. Danilenko, A.-M. Delocque-Fourcaud, A. Egorova, O. Egorova, I. Eliseeva, M. Emelina, O. Korobko, M. Kullanda, L. Kuzmenko, O. Leontyeva, L. Marakhovskaya, V. Markova, V. Mikitina, N. Milyushina, V. Mishin, A. Mutina, O. Novikova, A. Petukhov, A. Poznanskaya, V. Rastorguev, V. Sadkov, L. Saint-Raymond, N. Semenova, A. Sergeev, E. Sergeeva, E. Sokolova, N. Sutaeva, Y. Tsekhanovskaya, M. Vilkova; transl.: D. Dynin. Moscow, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, 2025. — 304 pp., ill.
The great Moscow philanthropist Sergei Shchukin is worldfamous for his collection of modern art — Impressionists, Gauguin, Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso and Derain. However, recent studies have shown that, alongside avant-garde masterpieces, the collector’s mansion housed entirely different objects. A century ago, these collections were transferred from the Shchukin house to Moscow and regional museums, which have now come together in the exhibition and research project ‘The Unknown Shchukin. More Than Modern Art ’. In the catalogue, leading Russian and foreign specialists describe items from the recently discovered and newly studied collections.
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