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Author(s) Данилова А.А.
Петухов А.В.
Пильник Е.Г.
Познанская А.В.
Language of publication: English
Size: 245 × 320 мм
ISBN 978-5-89189-018-3

Gallery of 19th and 20th Сentury European and American Art / 2nd edition; transl. by K. Cook; ed. by L. Platova. Мoscow, 2019. — 304 pp.: ill.

Gallery of 19th and 20th Сentury European and American Art owns the unique collection of paintings and sculptures by the greatest authors of different art movements — from Romanticism to avant-garde. The album contains illustrations, depicting the masterworks of these artists — such as Francisco de Goya, Gustav Courbet, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Marc Chagall, Wassily Kandinsky, Giorgio de Chirico and others.

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