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Bill Viola. The Journey of the Soul / Texts by R. Arya, B. Viola, A. Geusa, K. Perov, J.G. Hanhardt, O. Shishko; artworks descriptions: B. Viola; transl.: D. Bezouglov, E. Son; supervising editor A. Ignateva. Moscow, 2021. — 192 pp.: il.

This catalogue was published to accompany the first solo exhibition of an American video artist Bill Viola in Russia that was held at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, from March 2 to May 30, 2021. The exhibition featured artworks created between 2000 and 2014, focused on the themes of human passions and natural elements. The catalogue includes essays on the main motifs of Viola’s work, and on the pieces presented at the exhibition (O. Shishko), on the development of the concept of the sublime in his art (R. Arya), on the features of making the video works (K. Perov), and on their exhibiting history in Russia (A. Geusa), as well as an interview with the artist himself by J.G. Hanhardt.  

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